sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009

The Empty House.

The empty house.

This wither space that covers me, by annoying with the somber torture of my stem, that have inherited while this house…
… this enormous house, prosperity sleep and show off of class guide lines of thoses to those which unites me nothing but that the knot of the blood, and that it watch with unwind somewhat that it have not asked and that have panted from your bitchy corners, as plunderers on your capture and that single cause in my, a feeling of anger and ache, since this single house brings memories of my chiseling past in the stone of the calvary.
Have wanted to purify the with the embrace of the fire, but it have given me count that so single remains me move aside me of it, and remain me seeing the in the distance as the carrying the just as time my unfortunate compliments.

…this enormous house, symbol of ancestry but also hypocrisy, that some single reflex day beauty through your hallucinating endings, and your thick and perfect walls that never stopped make gallop which really there hid, your incredible and magic garden of multicolored and infinity of flowers created after sobs dissimulators, teacher's pet with weeping of misery.
and in spite of cornbread it grieves, it was the more beautiful garden of the people.
…this enormous house, that has converted in monument to the suffering and that your walls have been begun to ripen with indigestions and curses, ironically disguised in your exotic and beautiful mural with which you have been particularized each room. True rooms of the fear that take shelter many secrets that never will be for me conquered.
Perhaps is the imponencia of this marries, or the trauma of it based on personal experience, but I won't be able to count never which there happened…
… because in part is due to me that the house…
…this empties…

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