sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

Sacro Sabbath.2

Sacro Sabbath.2

Soaked all my meat of a black Sabbath bottle my can and it explode of ecstasy, by freeing from the dungeons of the buttom of my stem, the I intact, perfect, almost frozen, unaffected, to see the light of which already appears carving in the stone of the destiny.

Even without reason clear in the time, all indicates me that it is a night not to forget.

Drunk of lust, am beginning to note that the blinking of the stars are secret signals, and so schizophrenic am beginning to plunge me in the fantasy of my human and imperfect mind.

when passing these events, do wonderful travels through luminous tunnels and by going through supernovas in complete cycles, and get lost in ëones.

A moment of lucidity guide lines, traps my instincts in a dance of hallucinating pheromons they invite to be depart of the ritual of the skin and the senses, mixing the chaste and profane it in an orgy of sensations and impious sights.

Cleaning keeps to him my existence of the attributed used in order inks to the men, because these to cannot dye my be, that already it finds above all sews material and humanizes.

I direct my view towards the horizon, and without repenting me of which could never waste in a single night, challenge to the sol and to the new day to remove me the tiredness, and to raise the lead pencils I take for quacked.

I want forget that sometime was afraid of you to the obscurity, and feel that with the same death today, it feels orgasms

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