sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

The call of the end.

The call of the end.

Spirits in full moon, howls of wolves…

… The shower falls copiously on the bodies piled after the battle, converted in pave, to create a great wall that from today will divide to the man.

Spirits below the moonlight, in night serenades, admire to the scions that well it dance, on burning and purifying breast strokes.

Name of letter v and is silent to the merchant of the temple! Prophet dummy, child of Jehovah.

This is the mortal contract:

" six, six, six, marked in seat and front, it is magic and remember, young spoiled, dammed child, it will serve as scholar.

With the arms that it is it have given you, truthes a frozen hell, and will live to witness, the death smell of without killing "

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